About Diverg Entrepreneur

Diverg Entrepreneur is a neurodivergent-led business helping other neurodivergent-led businesses to grow and succeed.

Additionally, we speak to medium to large organisations about neurodiversity, and what accommodations can be made in the workplace to harness the strengths of their neurodivergent employees, rather than constantly seeing the supposed deficits.  

Why I started Diverg Entrepreneur

I’ve started and run small businesses for almost 20 years. In that time, I’ve read business books, attended workshops, engaged coaches, joined business support networks, and more. All of these resources have one thing in common – they are targeted towards neurotypical business people.

I started DE because I wanted to create business resources and offer both group and individual coaching that was specifically targeted to neurodivergent business owners. To create a safe, accepting, welcoming and respectful space for all neurotypes, genders, ethnicities, sexualities, and abilities.

What is Neurodivergent business coaching?

Neurodivergent business coaching refers to a specialized form of coaching designed to support individuals who are neurodivergent in their professional and entrepreneurial endeavors. Neurodivergent individuals have neurological differences that can include conditions such as autism, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), dyslexia, and others (the full list is considerable and also still open to debate). These differences may affect how we process information, communicate, and navigate the workplace.

 At Diverg Entreprneur, we aim to provide tailored guidance and strategies to help neurodivergent individuals succeed in the business world. Some key aspects of our neurodivergent business coaching include:

  1. Understanding Neurodiversity: Even those who have been assessed as neurodivergent (or who are self-diagnosed, which is completely valid) don’t necessarily understand what it means for them – what they’ve known their whole life seems to be the norm, and it can be confronting to realise that others think differently.

  2. Customized Coaching Plans: We work with our clients to create personalized coaching plans that address their unique strengths and weaknesses.

  3. Building Confidence: Neurodivergent individuals often face self-esteem and confidence issues related to their differences. We provide support and strategies to build self-confidence and self-advocacy.

  4. Entrepreneurship Support: We help clients starting their own business to develop business plans, marketing strategies, and management skills specific to their entrepreneurial goals.

  5. Networking and Resources: We can connect clients with networks and resources that will further support their professional development and growth.

Overall, Diverg Entrepreneur aims to empower neurodivergent individuals to thrive in their own businesses by recognizing and leveraging their unique strengths while addressing any challenges they may face.

Additionally, we work to promote diversity and inclusion in the business world through attending events and speaking to medium and large businesses about neurodiversity.